Saturday, March 1, 2008

Burton Andy Warhol Hooded Jacket

Sorry folks for not showing you anything for the past 15 days, but it seems I had forgotten to tell you guys that I would be away, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Well, today I have for you Burton jacket, that looks pretty darn sweet!

It's a hooded jacket that's meant to be used while out on the slops, doing whatever you do weather it be boarding, skiing, blading etc. etc.

The main color of this hooded jacket is basically black, but it is technically called last supper camo.

Now, in the middle of this jacket are some extreme designs. It is very detailed, and I am pretty much unable to describe what exactly it is, as it is just too detailed with so many different things. For the most part, the designs are just an array of different funky pictures, in many colors, that when it's all blended together it looks freakin' awesome!

I discovered this jacket at, where the jacket is amazingly only going for $383.96 CAD, which is down from $479.95, it's a great deal, so hurry while supplies last!


1 comment:

Dephect Clothing said...

Oh! That is awesome. I love the design of that jacket. It looks very epic.