Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Element Daze Zipup Hoodie

Well when I was surfing at tactics.com today I decided to show you guys something new. Now to appeal to our female audience, every second day I'll show a woman's article of clothing.

Today I decided to show you a sweet Element zipup hoodie.

The hoodie is white. In the center of the the hoodie is the Element logo. The logo isn't the normal logo used, but it's still one of their logos. The logo is also a bit done up to, as the ends of the tree have leaves on it. Also, under the tree is the word "Element".

The main color of the logo is white, but the logo is green. The strings around the hood also has a bit of yellow mixed in with the white.

This is a great hoodie for a woman, as it doesn't stand out a lot, and it doesn't really look like a man's hoodie either haha.

You can get this great hoodie for $53.95 at tactics.com


1 comment:

Volcom Jacket said...

Check out some awesome skate clothing. There really cool.