Well when I was surfing at tactics.com today I decided to show you guys something new. Now to appeal to our female audience, every second day I'll show a woman's article of clothing.
Today I decided to show you a sweet Element zipup hoodie.
The hoodie is white. In the center of the the hoodie is the Element logo. The logo isn't the normal logo used, but it's still one of their logos. The logo is also a bit done up to, as the ends of the tree have leaves on it. Also, under the tree is the word "Element".
The main color of the logo is white, but the logo is green. The strings around the hood also has a bit of yellow mixed in with the white.
This is a great hoodie for a woman, as it doesn't stand out a lot, and it doesn't really look like a man's hoodie either haha.
You can get this great hoodie for $53.95 at tactics.com
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Element Daze Zipup Hoodie
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Volcom Shard Stone Reversible Beanie ~SALE~
Well today I decided to bring you something that I haven't shown any variation of yet. What I decided to show you is a beanie, which is also known as a toque.
I decided to show you the beanie first because it looked cool, and second, because it's snowboarding season as most of you. So what better way to keep your head warm, than to wear a stylish beanie!
The beanie is by Volcom and it looks really cool. It comes in four different colors, which are white, black, khaki, and sage. The preview on the right is the black version, as I think it looks best.
The design on the beanie is quite cool. It's the Volcom stone logo repeated with different effects, and the only real clear logo is centered on the beanie. It also has some diagonal lines going across it, along with a few other neat little designs. For a beanie, it has a lot of detail put into it.
This great beanie is only $18.95, and happens to be on sale right now at tactics.com, so you save $7.00! Hurry while supplies last!
Posted by
2:38 PM
Labels: beanie, reversible, shard stone, volcom
Friday, February 8, 2008
Circa Hell-A Zipup
Well today I was surfing tactics.com once again(boy I really do need to start looking at some other sites to) and came across a fancy Circa zip hoodie. It looks pretty neat, and I haven't really seen a zip hoodie, or any hoodie for that matter, like it.
The color is in a transforming gradient. It starts off as a redish orange, but then slowly turns into a bright yellow at the bottom of the hoodie.
There are quite a few details on this hoodie as well. The main focus of the graphic is that it is a city scape from a boardwalk view. It is a bit different though. It shows massive trees towering over small buildings, and people that are also taller than buildings.
it also has random Circa logo's in it, and a helicopter that's getting a birds eye few of things from above. Some of the other parts of the image are hard to make out.
This hoodie really does look quite cool, as it is quite unique, and personally, I would love to have it. You could have it though, for only $53.95 at tactics.com!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Quiksilver Hoek Wallet
Today I decided to show you guys a Quiksilver wallet that I came across while looking at the new gear at beckersurf.com. I was randomly looking for merchandise, and came across this great wallet, which looks sweet!
This wallet seems to have a lot of energy in it, as everywhere you look there is some little detail, or an image of some sort. In some spots it has lines going diagonal across it, and it seems to keep that pattern.
The pattern rotates between the diagonal lines, and a diagonal line of images. The images repeat themselves. The two images that are repeated is the symbol of the earth, which is a symbol that looks similar to crosshares, and an image that looks almost like the red cross logo. Through out these images are small versions of the Quiksilver logo, and the logo seems to be integrated into the patterns.
Along with these patterns, right through the middle of everything is a massive thunder bolt that goes from corner to corner, in a different diagonal direction. The thunderbolt is then outlined by two white lines.
Also, in the bottom right corner of this wallet is the classic Quiksilver logo which is green, outlined by gray.
On the inside of this wallet, there are 6 spots for credit cards, and any other cards you may have that you carry in your wallet. The card slots are split up, so that there are three on each side of the fold. Along with this, there is, as usual, one big slot for where you put your bills of money.
In the bottom right corner of the wallet on the inside, is the Quiksilver logo in writing, along with the actual Quiksilver logo. Oh, and by the way, this is a bifold wallet, rather than a trifold, which I forgot to mention earlier.
You can get this wallet for $18.00 at beckersurf.com
Posted by
9:45 PM
Labels: bifold, hoek, quiksilver, wallet
Monday, February 4, 2008
Burton S. W. Asym Snowboard Jacket
Well, today I have yet another Burton product, which I seem to be posting a lot about lately. This one today that I've brought to you is a great snowboarding jacket, since it's the perfect time of the season to showcase it!
The style of this jacket is quite unique. The darker color used on the jacket is called roasted brown, while the other is a greenish gray color. The two colors blend randomly into one another throughout the jacket, making it look really sweet.
Along with color blends throughout the jacket, the jacket has a plaid pattern across it, which really goes with the blending style.
For features, this jacket has several pockets, including asymmetrical chest pockets. It also has a water resistance of 10,000mm. It also has mesh lined pit zips, which can really be handy when working up a sweat from snowboarding and other activities. Along with this, it features the Universal features package.
This jacket can be bought at a great price of $199.95, at tactics.com, which is well worth the price.
Posted by
11:01 PM
Labels: burton, s. w. asym, snowboard jacket
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Burton Tie Dye T-Shirt
Well today I have decided to show you a psychedelic t-shirt that looks like it's from the times of the hippies haha.
It's a T-Shirt from Burton that really does look cool. As is true psychedelic fashion, the tie dye style is in a circular motion, going down to what seems like a hole.
Centered on the shirt near the top is a couple of words, but I am unable to completely make out what it says. I can see it says "I am" but then I am unable to tell what it says, as whatever I have come up with simply does not make sense for this shirt, oh well.
The colors on this shirt are blue yellow and red, with some white mixed in between the splotches of color it has. Unlike true hippie fashion, the splotches seam to have a pattern, which slightly takes away from the integrity of it being a true tie dye shirt.
Either way though, it looks great, especially for the price it has, which is $31.95 at tactics.com
Posted by
9:13 PM