Element Text Stripe New Era Hat
This hat is a bit different than most of the hats I've featured so far. The difference is all the other hats have had designs all over the hat, rather than words. This hat has the word Element going down it in rows all over it. Beside the word Element is the Element logo.
The hat is once again of the flat beaked style, like a lot of the recently featured hats on this blog. It's a good thing though as this hat wouldn't look good with the trucker type.
On the front of this hat, is the white Element logo, which is embroidered in white. The front of the hat also has the 59Fifty sticker on it, and as usual, the sticker is on the beak of the hat, in the center.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Snazzy Hat
Posted by
5:41 PM
Labels: element, hat, text stripe new era
Intense KR3W Hat
KR3W Ellington Newz Hat
This is the third KR3W hat that I have talked about, and I really am starting to like KR3W's merchandise, as these hats look great. Now only if they came in the trucker hat style, as this hat is again flat beaked.
The hat is quite original. Rather than one color across the hat, it has two basic colors on the hat, which are black and white. But the black and white is displayed in a different way, as this hat has cutouts from newspapers all over it, which looks pretty intense, and it's caused me to want this hat.
Along with the newspaper cutouts all over it, on the front of the hat, in the center is the KR3W logo, which is embroidered in black thread.
Posted by
11:37 AM
Labels: ellington newz, hat, KR3W
The Ace Belt Buckle
Ace of Spades Belt Buckle
This belt buckle is quite cool. It is an ace of spades playing card, that is made of silver.
The buckle is slightly curved and just like an ace of spades card. In the center of the card, the spade is a bit bigger than on a normal playing card, but it is embossed, and has cool little designs in it.
In the two corners, is the letter A with a small spade below it. Both are embossed in black.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Labels: ace of spades, belt buckle
Sunday, December 30, 2007
KR3W Hat
KR3W Kennedy Too Live Hat(BLK)
This KR3W hat is also quite original, like their last one I talked about. This hat has all sorts of designs on it. The designs are in columns going down the hat. There are just to many designs to list them all but there are colored lines, stars, crossbones, and many other things.
This hat is of the flat beaked style, and looks great. In the center of the hat is the KR3W logo, which as always, is embroidered in black thread, and like all KR3W hats, looks great.
This hat also comes in two other colors, all though I believe this one looks the best.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Labels: hat, kennedy too live, KR3W
Nixon Belt Buckle
Nixon Badge Belt Buckle
This belt buckle is surprisingly the first belt buckle featured on here, but this is due to difficulties finding decent belt buckles, that actually go well with belts.
This is a Nixon belt buckle. The buckle itself is silver. The Nixon logo is at an angle on this belt buckle, and is also silver, but is embossed.
Now this belt buckle is silver, but it also comes in two other colors as well, which are black, and brass.
Posted by
1:35 PM
Labels: badge, belt buckle, nixon
Volcom Belt!
Volcom Applique Belt
Like most of the belts featured on here, this belt has the clamp style buckle on it, which is my favourite style, as to me it just looks the best.
On the belt buckle, in the center is the classic Volcom logo in black and white. The rest of the buckle is black. As a bonus, on the back of this belt buckle is a bottle cap opener.
The fabric on this belt is black on charcoal. Through out the belt's fabric is the word Volcom, which is done up in fancy writing. The writing is sketchy, and in black thread. The writing is then outlined with charcoal colored thread.
Posted by
6:00 AM
New Option!
For the few of you out there that actually visit this blog, there is a new option available to you!
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Once your on the FeedBurner page, there are many ways that you can subscribe to the feed, such as adding it to your Yahoo, Google, and many other feed pages! Enjoy!
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1:03 AM
Labels: feed
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Crimpin' Billabong Hat
Billabong Method Had Hat
This Billabong hat is a great addition to any hat collection, or a great start to one!
This Billabong hat has the Billabong logo right in the center of the hat. Behind the logo it has a fancy design that I am unable to describe, other than it looks intense.
This hat is a cross breed of a flat beaked hat and a trucker hat, so it looks pretty cool. The main color of the whole hat is white. Other than the logo, there isn't anything on it.
Posted by
12:50 PM
Labels: billabong, hat, method had
Hurley Bifold Wallet
Hurley Wallet Insider Bifold
This is the first of many featured items on here that are of the Hurley brand. And what a great way to start off to!
This Hurley wallet is of the bifold type, rather than the trifold. The good thjing about this is, I don't think this wallet would look to great as a trifold wallet.
The main color of this wallet is black. Along with this, there are some small designs mixed in with the black background. This wallet has many of the Hurley logo's on it, which are all on the right side of the wallet.
You can find this wallet at many places online, although I found this one on Amazon.com, for $19.99, which really is a great deal for this wallet.
Different Brand!
KR3W Flocker 2 Hat
Now this is a brand that I haven't talked much about. In fact I haven't talked about it at all. But I found this hat, and I just couldn't resist. Besides, there's lots of good brands out there that I haven't ventured into yet. But don't worry, if I find a good accessory, I can't resist posting it on here. :)
This hat is quite fancy. It has the customary KR3W logo in the center of it, embroidered in blackish thread. In this version of the hat, the KR3W logo is also spread out over the hat in an intense color.
The beak of this hat is one that I don't normally talk about, as I like the trucker/baseball style of hats, but some of these flat-beaked hats are to good to resist. The main color of this hat is white, although it also comes in black, and a pimpin' purple.
This hat is $33.95 online at tactics.com and looks great. I'd definitely buy it if I had some cash on me.
Posted by
6:00 AM
First Featured Wallet
Volcom Corpo
Well, this is the first wallet that we have featured on this blog here, but it is the first of many. It is also the first Volcom product that has been featured here, but there will for sure be many more featured Volcom items to come.
This wallet is one of my favourite wallets. It is black, with the customary Volcom logo in the bottom right corner. The wallet also comes in brown and white, although personally I think that black looks best for this wallet.
The only downside in my opinion to this wallet is the fact that it is only a bifold, and not a trifold. Personally I prefer the three fold wallets, as there is more space in them generally, and I like the little plastic cover that is in most of the three fold wallets. But other than that, I love this wallet.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Flashy Element Hat
Element Jetson Hat
This is one crimpin' element hat. It's from the Spareparts website, so unfortunately, if your from the USA you'll have to find it on another site to order it online.
The style of this hat is somewhat half and half. It's in between the flat-beaked style and the baseball hat style, so the beak has a slightly curve to it, and I'm sure that if you wanted to, you could choose what style you want it to be.
As for the logo, it's in the center of the hat, and it sports one of their classic logo's, which is embroidered in black stitch, and outlined in baby blue.
The color of the hat is a paleish white, almost a cream color, and it has lines going across it all over, in different thickness' and colors.
You can get this crimpin' hat for $45, which may sound a bit expensive, but remember this is from a Canadian website, so it's going to cost a bit more, regardless of the fact that the currencies are at par right now. If you want it at a cheaper price, find it at a clothing store nearest you.
Posted by
12:21 PM
Pimpin' Burton Belt
Burton Webbing Belt
This Burton belt is straight from the Burton website. The belt is from their winter '07 merchandise, so it is quite new.
The belt comes in three different colors, but I'll talk about my favourite color for this belt, true black. Like most of the other belts on Belts, Buckles, & Beyond this belt buckle is of the clamp style. On this version of the belt, the background color of the buckle is white. The Burton logo is on the bottom right of the buckle, and is embossed in black.
The fabric of this belt is quite basic, but it brings everything together on this belt. The fabric is black, with diagonal white stripes on it. Along with this, very lightly, there are some white brick like images behind the white stripes. Like all skate belts, the end of the fabric has a piece of metal with the name Burton on it, and to the right of the word Burton is a small logo.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
New Belt!
Element Donut Shop
Well I've come across what I believe is a new belt, but I'm not completely sure if it is new or not. This belt is straight from the Element website, so everything about it is definitely correct.
This belt has a rustic look to it, and it really looks great! Like most belts featured on here, it is of the clamp style. I just don't like the prong style for some reason. The buckle itself has the element logo on it in the center, embossed with black. The background on the buckle is a color that I can't really describe, but it has a rustic look.
The fabric on this belt really goes with the buckle it has. It's pretty much the same color as the belt buckle, and it has designs going everywhere on it. It really goes with the belt as a whole, and Element did a good job on it.
Posted by
1:50 PM
Labels: belt, donut shop, element
Fancy Etnies Parker Web Belt!
etnies Parker Web Men's Belt
This is a great belt, at a great price! This Etnies belt is only $16.95 at Amazon.com!
This belt is quite a beauty! The clamp style belt buckle is nickel colored. Along with this, the classic Etnies logo, which is in the center of the belt buckle is embossed, adding that extra effect to the belt!
As for the fabric, it is an assortment of colors, and style. It has the word Etnies repeated in the design several times, all with the same color scheme. Along with this, the odd Etnies logo is on the fabric as well.
This belt almost has a retro feel to it, with all the colors it has on it, and just the overall design of it. But the truth is this belt looks great, and is definitely worth the $16.95 that it costs.
Posted by
1:28 PM
Labels: belt, etnies, parker web
Flashy Nixon Watch
Nixon Cannon Men's Watch - Black Dial / Stainless Steel Band
This Nixon watch is the first of our featured watches. It looks great, and is in a great price range at $89.95.
The links on this watch are stainless steel, and they truly look great. They seem to have that perfect shine to it.
The face of this watch is quite beautiful. It is black, with stainless steel arms, are stainless steel numbers. The way the face of this watch comes together, it really does look quite classy.
This is one Nixon watch that I would be proud to recommend. As unlike most Nixon watches, it doesn't have that square or boxy look. The links are a good shape, and this watch really does come together in every aspect.
Posted by
9:34 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Snazzy Etnies Belt
This belt is a perfect belt for any guy that likes the brand Etnies. It has a sleek design that no guy that likes his belts would like to pass up.
The buckle on this beautiful belt sports the Etnies Logo on the right of it. The buckle is of the clamp style. The whole belt buckle itself is a shiny metallic silver. The logo on it is embossed, and overall it just looks great.
The fabric on this belt also looks great. The fabric really goes with the belt buckle. On the fabric there is skulls, crossbones, and an array of other little images. The fabric is white in color, with the images being black, and it really brings the belt together. This is one of my particular favorites from the Etnies brand.
Posted by
11:55 PM
Labels: belt, etnies, T3 graffiti
Well, I believe that I have finally found my niche in blogging. And that niche happens to be skate belts, buckles, and other accessories, such as sunglasses and possibly hats. At times it may be difficult to write about my chosen topic, but it shouldn't be too hard, after all, there is always new skate merchandise coming out, which is great for me!
To start off, I'd like to make a few weekly posts, and possibly move to posting daily, but for now, I'll be posting every so often, with a guarantee of at least one or two posts each week. Then once I find more sources of content to put up, I'll start to post more and more. So stay tuned for new posts!
Posted by
11:53 PM